Ben Weinlick

Ben Weinlick is the founder of Think Jar Collective.
Currently Ben is also the Executive Director of Skills Society. Skills Society is one of largest and most innovative social service organizations in Canada. Stewarding an amazing collective of 500 employee, and a 25 million a year budget, Skills Society has a long and unique history related to social innovation and systems change around the rights and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Ben and colleagues of Skills are known internationally for quality human centered services and creating tangible social innovations. Before becoming Executive Director in 2019, Ben stewarded Social Innovation Research & Development through an innovation lab he helped launch in 2015 called the Action Lab. The Action Lab focuses on systems change and innovation around some of the most wicked and entangled problems that humans are facing today. He is also the co-founder of MyCompass Planning which is on a mission to humanize social service case management systems where people served are centered in shaping their support services.
As the founder of Think Jar Collective and his expertise in disciplined innovation culture and methods, he regularly is asked by Universities, Businesses, Governments, and Non-Profits to help grow capacity to problem solve better and in more holistic ways. He offers keynotes on human centered service design thinking, social innovation labs and the tools and culture of disciplined innovation. Along the way striving to nudge positive systems change over the last 20+ years, he has had stellar mentors and colleagues that he shares credit with for accomplishments and awards.
He is deeply driven by the desire to help people, organizations and community to get better at navigating complex challenges together.
LinkedIN Profile for Ben Weinlick
Awards & Accomplishments
2013 awarded both the MacEwan University distinguished alumni award and the Avenue Magazine Top 40 under 40 award.
2014 awarded the Community Disability Service Sector Leadership award by the Alberta Government for leading innovative approaches to improve the quality of life of some of Alberta's most vulnerable.
2017 - MyCompass Planning innovation award through Alberta Council of Disability Services
2018 - Featured in the 12 Lessons Shared On Social Innovation - J.W. McConnell Foundation
2020- Collisions for Creativity -Royal Roads University Alumni Interview with Ben
2023 - Action Lab- What do we really mean when we say innovation and social innovation
Graduate Thesis
Humour and serious play enhancing creativity in disability service design Explored ways to enhance creative thinking in order to increase quality in human service design and delivery.
Action Lab: Space to Think Differently and Make Ideas Happen - Run-of-the-mill, rigid, and hierarchical approaches to problem solving are too often inadequate for addressing complex challenges faced by organizations, and our world today. That’s why we created Action Lab. Webpage with more info here
MyCompass - Revolutionizing Social Service Case Management - Putting Systemic Design Thinking to use for social good. After 5 years of R&D, Ben Weinlick, Skills Society, Lift Interactive and Southern Alberta Community Living Association built and rolled out a game changing social innovation that uses new technology to improve, and humanize the case management experience of how social services are designed, and delivered. More Info here
CommuniTEA Infusion Project- Think Jar Collective colleagues, Ben, Debbie and Brooks were the designers and developers of this community building project. The CommuniTEA Infusion project creates a pop up town square for community members to connect, share ideas and strengthen connections. CommuniTEA Infusion Project
Project Citizenship - Exploring ways to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities through story telling. Powerful social change initiative that Ben leads through his work with Skills Society. Featured in the Stanford Social Innovation Review
Ben's weird and fun art and music creative projects
Articles by Ben:
Reflections on the new tools and practices of nudge science in innovation and systems change work.
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick, debunking the myth that all you need are creativity and innovation tools for sustained organizational innovation.
Ben Weinlick, founder of Think Jar Collective shares the design thinking process that he and a team of social innovators have been experimenting with to improve service quality in the social sector.
These young guys (11 and 12) from Brooklyn are examples of raw and confident creativity that is rarely seen. There is something to learn from and be jealous of in young people who dive in to a creative endeavour and ignore the naysayers.
Amazing video of Zappa in 1963 shaking up the status quo. Lots of creativity lessons here.
Art intersecting with leadership. John Maeda's new TED talk video on Art, design and leadership.
A look at how Serious Play was a big part of Richard Feynman's creative process and led to nobel winning insights
Think Jar Collective member and early AI pioneer Piero Scaruffi reflects on creativity and innovation
To loosen up mental habits and playfully spark creativity, plant this book in a key bumping space in your organization.
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick looks at the notion that ideas are nothing and action everything problem solving.
Artist Chuck Close writes a letter to his younger self offering advice on how to be more creative
Steve Jobs reflecting on the essential thing about creativity and developing an innovative culture.
Great video of Frank Zappa sharing a critical thinking perspective on the music industry.
“Eureka moments” or “experiences of insight” almost always go hand-in-hand with a mental block—the agonizing, excruciating, frustrating time spent trying to come up with an idea.
Ken Robinson, clears up some misconceptions about creative thinking and how our education systems often stifle it
This film was made by Arthouse Productions and supported by SKILLS Society among others. It follows a group of artists with disabilities from Edmonton, Alberta Canada as they explore social justice issues through various art forms.
Great little article with some suggestions on how to change and shift stiff habits we get stuck in.
Creative thinking process at IDEO and the video for ABC news that launched Design Thinking into the mainstream.
Great little clip from Tom Peters on how innovation is actually easy. Check it out to learn how.
In this RSA animate video Stephen Johnson shares where creative and innovative ideas come from
Michael Shermer shares in this TED talk about how we deceive ourselves. This is important for creativity and innovation.
In this video Richard Feynman shares insight on ways of thinking that are stagnant or creative.
Interviews by Ben:
Ben Weinlick interviews creativity expert Tamara Christensen about Design thinking and how it might help
Ben Weinlick interviews Columbia Business school professor and author of Creative Strategy about what Creative Strategy is and how it differs from traditional creative problem solving approaches.
Ben Weinlick interviews Leslie Ehm about why creativity is so important nowadays and about ways to enhance creative thinking.
Ben Weinlick interviews Peter Cook about his new book The Music of Business and how the band Spinal Tap can teach you more than an MBA.
Ben Weinlick of Think Jar Collective interviews Greg Saunier of Deerhoof about their creative process and what can be learned for innovation and better problem solving.
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick interviews Frans Johansson about creativity, intersections, and his new book "the click moment".
Ben Weinlick interviews Dr. Michael Kendrick about what creativity in human services might look like and how to lead others towards relevant creative outcomes.
In this video Ralph talks about games, creativity, aging and shares his insight that you never really retire from creating
Ben Weinlick of Think Jar Collective interviews James Hammarhead of Hammarhead Industries about his creative process in motorcycle design and what can be learned for innovation and creativity
Excerpt from the public program Painting Process/Process Painting, featuring artists Chuck Close and Carroll Dunham.
Tools by Ben:
Practical guide to designing and stewarding a social innovation lab around complex challenges
Think Jar founder Ben Weinlick shares a summary of an interesting 70 year old book on a creativity and innovation process that still works today.
Ben Weinlick of Think Jar Collective share some practical ways to foster creativity and innovation by looking in unlikely places.
This article from Think Jar founder Ben Weinlick explores some effective practices that will support teams engaged in a collaborative creative process.
An important skill to develop to enhance thinking creatively is to be able to link disparate ideas. This article lays out some provocations to spark creative collisions for innovation
Listen and learn from design expert Dieter Rams on how to be innovative. Try linking these ideas to challenge you're working on.
Projects by Ben:
Brad is 25 years old, and has autism. He can't speak or read, but he has a knack for building things. He can understand any diagram or blueprint, no matter how complicated.
When you spend the majority of your time working on projects that require more cerebral power than muscle power, it can be refreshing to try to make something with your hands.
Inspiring story of a young man who with some support has started his own business. Great example of applying creativity in Social Services
Project Citizenship: People with disabilities and their stories of engaged citizenship is about enhancing the experience of citizenship for people with disabilities, and raising awareness in the greater community about the valuable contributions they make.
The van and the experience was designed based on a human centered design approach that offered a relevant social innovation.

Think Jar Collective started in 2010 and has remained as a repository of tools, insights, interviews and expert consulting to help people and organizations to problem solve better. It's a decent place to go for methods, tips, training, and inspiration around helping people and organizations learn how to foster disciplined innovation. We aim to demystify what creativity is and share the best articles, tips and techniques you can use to tackle complexity and innovate.
Think Jar Collective contributors share articles and tools, while the innovation consultancy arm of Think Jar Collective is stewarded by Ben Weinlick.
Think Jar Collective founder Ben Weinlick shares some insights on parallels between the wild Buddhist Yogis of old and Creative Provocations in innovation and systems change work for good.