Cafe Racer Motorcycle Project

From my perspective, one thing that relates science and art is simplicity.  Often it is only at the minimum that either the theory or the mechanism is clear.  Whereas with complex systems, it is very hard to not only comprehend them but also to test them.
— James Hammarhead-Neuroscientist turned motorcycle builder

When you spend the majority of your time working on projects that require more cerebral power than muscle power, it can be refreshing to try to make something with your hands. Being raised by humanists and therefore never really learning how to do anything practical... I admit that I had to get some help from my friend and race bike builder Kevin Shupak to bring my design for this bike to life.  In the winter of 2010-2011, this sweet ride came to life.  I wanted to strip away the extras and bring out the raw power and design of this classic bike; a 1973 Honda CB750.  Honda CB750's are considered the first super bikes and pretty much every sport bike that came after it has been based on it.  Cafe racer culture has gained popularity again and essentially it is about stripping a bike down to its raw elements, and making it go fast.  Hope you enjoy the pics and I hope you find projects to do both with your hands and your mind.

For an interview with master minimalist bike builder check out this interview I did with James Hammarhead of Hammarhead Industries based in Philadelphia.

Ben Weinlick

Ben Weinlick is the founder of Think Jar Collective.

Currently Ben is also the Executive Director of Skills Society. Skills Society is one of largest and most innovative social service organizations in Canada. Stewarding an amazing collective of 500 employee, and a 25 million a year budget, Skills Society has a long and unique history related to social innovation and systems change around the rights and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Ben and colleagues of Skills are known internationally for quality human centered services and creating tangible social innovations. Before becoming Executive Director in 2019, Ben stewarded Social Innovation Research & Development through an innovation lab he helped launch in 2015 called the Action Lab. The Action Lab focuses on systems change and innovation around some of the most wicked and entangled problems that humans are facing today. He is also the co-founder of MyCompass Planning which is on a mission to humanize social service case management systems where people served are centered in shaping their support services.

As the founder of Think Jar Collective and his expertise in disciplined innovation culture and methods, he regularly is asked by Universities, Businesses, Governments, and Non-Profits to help grow capacity to problem solve better and in more holistic ways. He offers keynotes on human centered service design thinking, social innovation labs and the tools and culture of disciplined innovation. Along the way striving to nudge positive systems change over the last 20+ years, he has had stellar mentors and colleagues that he shares credit with for accomplishments and awards.

He is deeply driven by the desire to help people, organizations and community to get better at navigating complex challenges together.

Weird Combinations: The Exquisite Corpse Music Project


Paul Freeman's upcoming show at the Alberta Gallery of Art