A curated selection of unique articles related to what creativity and innovation is and how to practice it better as people, organizations and systems.

Shifting perception and the invention of velcro
Renowned Creativity expert Michael Michalko shares an interesting story about the invention of velcro and offers a couple tests for pattern recognition and lateral thinking when problem solving.

How to think, not what to think
Jesse Richardson shares in his TEDx Brisbane talk about how to think, not what to think. Richardson shares some great insights on critical thinking.

What I learned about creative thinking from Walt Disney
Think Jar Collective contributor and creativity expert Michael Michalko shares what he learned about creativity and innovation from Walt Disney.

Machines Vs Creativity And The Benefits Of Irrationality
Interesting notes on the science of creativity and cognition by early AI researcher and Think Jar Collective member Piero Scaruffi.

The Art of the 'Dumb' question
Creativity expert Jim Force Ph.D. explores the use of beginner mind thinking

Dyson talks about innovation
In this fascinating interview with James Dyson, he shares some insights around his innovation process.

Hair! A Critical Thinking Musical
Think Jar member Brooks Hanewich shares ideas on the links between critical thinking and creativity

Frank Zappa on the value of "cigar chomping old guys"
Great video of Frank Zappa sharing a critical thinking perspective on the music industry.

Scott Berkun on critical thinking
Article on critical thinking from innovation guru Scott Berkun

Bertrand Russell on "exact thinking"
Bertrand Russell on Critical Thinking

Video on critical thinking about "weird things"
Some important insights for questioning and critical thinking.