A curated selection of unique articles related to what creativity and innovation is and how to practice it better as people, organizations and systems.

Enter the Flow Dojo
The flow genome project is going to build the world's first dedicated Flow research and training centre.

What I learned about creative thinking from Walt Disney
Think Jar Collective contributor and creativity expert Michael Michalko shares what he learned about creativity and innovation from Walt Disney.

Fostering Creative Problem Solving In The Social Sector
Ben Weinlick, founder of Think Jar Collective shares the design thinking process that he and a team of social innovators have been experimenting with to improve service quality in the social sector.

Designing Solutions to Foster Creativity in Education
Great project and video related to the No right brain left behind project by Slojd.This is real action around transforming our outdated education system

Amazing 13 year old on Creativity and Hackschooling
Logan Laplante shares an insightful perspective on the current education system and how it stifles creativity. Suggests an alternative is Hackschooling. Inspiring kid!

Fostering Creativity By Looking in Unlikely Places Part 2
Shaun Brandt shares some practical ways to enhance creative thinking.

Landfill Harmonic: Transforming trash into music
Interesting look at the creativity of some people in Paraguay that have transformed trash into working musical instruments.

Empathy In Creativity and Design Thinking
Interesting video and look at how empathy helps us make and create

Andy Warhol and the Innovation Factory
Relating Andy Warhol's Factory to innovation process

Sleepy + drunk = maximum creativity according to science
Some interesting ways to enhance creativity

Stickers + kids = high art
Stickers and kids and creativity

Great example of a creative collaboration through Design Thinking at IDEO
Creative thinking process at IDEO and the video for ABC news that launched Design Thinking into the mainstream.

Slow Hunches go Bump
In this video, creativity master Steven Johnson explores where good ideas come from