Jim Force
Think Jar Collective is honored to have Jim contributing to the collective. He is a mentor to collective members Ben Weinlick and Trent Kozak and doesn't just talk about fostering creativity in others, he lives it.
Jim Force, Ph.D. is a semi-retired free-lance educator with over 40 years of teaching and learning experience as well as program design experience. Jim specializes in leadership development through the study of small group dynamics, interpersonal communications and critical and creative thinking. He uses experiential educational approaches to animate the various concepts being studied.
His experiential background stems from his many years of working in the outdoor education field as well as his work at The Banff Centre, which incorporated artistic processes as part of the leadership programs he co-designed and co-facilitated with other very creative people. Jim is known for his ability to integrate theory and practice. He currently supervises graduate level research projects at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC.
For more about Jim’s background visit his website at www.jimforce.ca
In addition to Jim’s experience and knowledge as an educator, he brings to the Collective a keen sense of curiosity, a questioning mind, alternative perspectives to complex problems and the courage to try things that haven’t previously been tried.
Jim’s own creative practices include writing haiku, dabbling with acrylic paints, and gardening. His main inspirations in his life are his wife Colleen, who is an early childhood specialist, and their six grandchildren, who engage him in imaginative play and other adventures.
Creativity expert Jim Force Ph.D. explores the use of beginner mind thinking