Creativity and innovation quotes

Collection of quotes on creativity and innovation from leading thinkers, weirdos and problem solvers from the past and present. New quote mashups added regularly at the top. 

Mark Cabaj Quote on Complexity
Pablo Picasso quote on good taste and creativity
Tom Peters quote on Innovation and being weird
Brian Eno Quote on creativity and distortion
Al Etmanski on Innovation
Charles Bukowski quote on intellectuals
Creativity and innovation quote on keeping it weird
Marc Bekoff quote on play and creativity
Jerry Sternin quote on creative thinking
George Lois quote on creativity and mediocrity
Katherine Hepburn quote on innovation
Richard Feynman quote on creativity
Milan Kundera Quote on Business and Innovation
E. Abbey quote on innovation and status quo
Founder of think jar collective Ben Weinlick quote on being weird and innovation
Steven Johnson quote on creativity and connected minds
Oscar Wilde quote on creativity and dangerous ideas
John Lennon quote on creativity being weird
Hunter S. Thomson quote on being weird
Gore Vidal Quote on the brain and creativity
Herbert Simon on Design and Problem solving
Voltaire quote on creativity and well trodden path
Kurt Vonnegut quote on creativity and farting around
Quote on creativity and curiosity
Piero Scaruffi quote on innovation
Quote from Jack London on inspiration and creativity